Sydorov Mykola Olexandrovich

Sydorov Mykola Olexandrovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, National Technical University of Ukraine, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,
Born in 1949.
After graduating in 1972 from the Radio Engineering Institute (Taganrog) in the specialty of electronic computers, Sydorov Mykola Olexandrovich, from 1972 to 1973, worked as an engineer in the Radio Engineering Institute. From 1973 to 1996, he worked at the Institute of Cybernetics. V.M. Glushkov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the positions of engineer, senior engineer, senior researcher, from 1996 to 2018 worked at the National Aviation University.
In 1984, he received the scientific title of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty – “Mathematical and software of computers and systems”,
Since 1995 – Doctor of Engineering in the same specialty,
Since 2001 – Professor in the Department of Software Engineering. Scientific specialty mathematical and software of computers and systems (01.05.03).
From 1996 to 2018 works at the National Aviation University as associate professor, professor, head of department, dean, director of the institute.
From 2019 Professor of the Department of Automated Information Processing and Control Systems at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.
The area of scientific interest is software engineering.
Initiator and supervisor of the first software engineering works in Ukraine (1984), namely software reuse and, in particular, software rework, reability, reuse works (V.M Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, National Academy of Sciences Ukraine).
While working as a department head, dean, director of the Institute of Advanced Technologies, he paid much attention to the quality of training of specialists, organization and informatization of the educational process, scientific and pedagogical activity, through the development of the first software engineering department in Ukraine (2000). On his initiative and with direct participation in Ukraine the direction of preparation of bachelors of “Software Engineering” (6.050103) was opened, in the co-authorship the corresponding industry standard was prepared and approved. Sidorov MO was Deputy Chairman of the MESU Subcommittee in this area. Sydorov M. O, for the first time in Ukraine (2006) at the Faculty of Computer Sciences of the National Aviation University initiated and implemented the project “Mobile Student” (transition to paperless educational process – e-Chair, document control, corporate mail – Livenau, through the use of MS Sharepoint, an exclusive application in the learning process of laptops, the Internet and Wi-Fi wireless communication, and the abandonment of computer classes, further the transition to the application in the learning process of cloud technology, through the use of Office 365 (2011). This initiative was spread under the slogan of MESU to other universities in Ukraine.
Editor-in-Chief of the first professional science journal in Ukraine, Software Engineering (National Aviation University), member of the editorial board of professional scientific journals, NAU Bulletin (National Aviation University) and Programming Problems (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).
Sydorov M. O participates in international activities as chairman of the technical committee on software engineering of the Ukrainian Federation of Informatics, and a member of the corresponding technical committee in the international organization IFIP.
Sydorov M. O participates in social activities. He is a member of the working group on the harmonization of the system of training of IT specialists with higher education with the modern requirements of the IT industry (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), club of scientists of them. N.M. Amosov (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).
Teaches at the department of discipline:
Components of software engineering;
Economics of IT industry;
Scientific work on the topic of a master’s thesis
Under the direction of Sidorov 1 doctoral and 8 PhD theses were defended.
Author of more than 150 scientific works, including six monographs, the main ones:
- Створення і супроводження программного забезпечення великих розподілених комп’ютеризованих систем управління, (2015)
- Онтологія безпеки авіації( 2011у співаторстві)
- Безпека авіації (у співаторстві, 2007)
Major scientific publications in the last 5 years
- N. Sydorov, N. Sydorova, E. Sydorov, Cholyshkina, I. Batsurovska, Development of the approach to using a style in software engineering//Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4/2 100, 2019, P41-51
- Н.А. Сидоров Основы программирования в контексте инженерии программного обеспечения// Проблеми програмування. 2019. № 3, C45-57
- Сидоров Н.А., 50 лет инженерии программного обеспечения. – Проблеми програмування, № 4, 2018, С30-44.
- Sydorov N., Mendzebrovsky I., Sydorova N.Ontologies in software engineering Наукові записки НаУКМА, т. 198, Комп’ютерні науки, Київ, 2017, С. 68-71
- SidorovN, SidorovaN., PirogA. Ontology-driven tool forutilizing programming styles, Науковий журнал «Вісник НАУ». № 2, 2017, С 84-93
- N.A. Sydorov, N.N. Sydorova, I.B. Mendzebrovsky Softwareeng eneering ontologies categorization, Науковий журнал Проблеми програмування, № 1, 2018, С 55-64
- Методи і засоби створення і супроводження програмного забезпечення великих розподілених комп’ютеризованих інформаційних систем Інженерія програмного забезпечення. – 2014. – № 4(20).– С.30-37.