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Факультет інформатики та обчислювальної техніки КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського

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Інші проекти

Establishing Modern Master-level Studies in Information Systems 561592-EPP-1-2015-1- FR-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Project acronym: «MASTIS»
National Structural Measures Project                 Priority – Higher Education and Society
Project duration: 15 October 2015 – 14 October 2018
EU funding instrument: (to be completed by NEO)

Program European Neighbourhood Instrument

Erasmus+ (CBHE) grant  amount:  767 509,00 € 
Target group : students, PhD, LLL.
Coordinator and General Manager:

Prof. Dr. LOP Emmanuelle, Head of the Department of International relations office

Contacts: tel: +33 4 78 69 72 98 ; fax: + 33 4 72 71 98 44

e-mail: emmanuelle.lop@univ-lyon2.fr


§  Universite Lumiere Lyon 2,  France

§  Guido Carli Free International University for Social Studies,  Italy

§  University of Münster,  Germany

§  Kaunas University of Technology,   Lithuania

§  University of Maribor,  Slovenia

§  University of Agder,  Norway

§  Lulea University of Technology,  Sweden

§  University of Liechtenstein,  Liechtenstein

§  Italian Association for Informatics and Automatic Calculation,  Italy

§  Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics,  Ukraine

§  National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”,  Ukraine

§  Lviv Polytechnic National University,  Ukraine

§  Vinnytsia National Technical University,  Ukraine

§  Kherson State University,  Ukraine

§  National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”,  Ukraine

§  Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

§  University of Donja Gorica ,  Montenegro

§  University “Mediterranean” Podgorica,  Montenegro


Project goals and objectives:

Wider objective is to improve Master Programme in Information Systems according to the needs of the modern society; to bring the universities closer to changes in global labour market and world education sphere; to enable them to stay responsive to employers’ needs; to give students an idea of various job profiles in the Information Systems domain; to ensure employability throughout graduates’ professional and soft skills.

Specific project objectives are:

§  improvement of Master Programme in Information Systems according to the requirements of business;

§   modernization of the current Degree Profile and curricula in Information Systems. Degree Profile and Curricula revision will be implemented in accordance with the newest standards of Higher education and the compatibility with the National qualification frameworks;

§  development of innovative academic environment for Master program of Informational Systems as a platform for training/retraining, PhD, LLL;

§  provision/modernization of labs infrastructure for Information Systems.


§ Analysis stakeholders requirements to Master Programme in Information Systems and revision of current Degree Profile and curricula in Information Systems;

§ Development new competence- and experience-oriented curricula including ECTS based on Tuning methodology Curriculum;

§  Creation innovative academic environment for Information Systems Programme as a platform for training/retraining, PhD, LLL for providing Master Programme in Information Systems Capacity Building

§  Dissemination and exploitation project results.

§ Assurance the quality of project implementation and achievement of the planned results


Expected results:

I.          Improved of Master Programme in Information Systems according to the needs of the global labor market.

II.          Revised the current Degree Profile and curricula in Information Systems according to the Bologna recommendations for concerning the allocation of transferable credits, the learning outcomes and the compatibility with the National qualification framework.

III.          Developed, implemented and accredited new competence- and experience-oriented curricula including ECTS based on Tuning methodology.

IV.          Created innovative academic environment for Information Systems Programme as a platform for training/retraining, PhD, LLL and modernized labs infrastructure for Information Systems.

V.          Disseminated  project results.

VI.          Developed reports on project results.

Project coordinator in Ukraine:
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics  www.hneu.edu.ua

tel.: +380577020304,  +380577020202, fax: +380577020717

Responsible person:

 Prof. Iryna Zolotaryova , Assistant of Rector on International Projects


tel: +380677596158;  +380997218145, e-mail: iryna.zolotaryova@hneu.net

Partners from Ukraine:
National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”, www.kpi.ua

tel.: +380444549199,

tel.: +380442048557

fax: +380442360992

Responsible person:

Mrs.  Tatiana KOVALIUK,  Associate Professor of automated data processing systems department


tel: +380442366913, +380502271172

e-mail:  tetyana.kovalyuk@gmail.com

Lviv Polytechnic National University


tel.: +380322582111

fax: +380322744300

e-mail:   coffice@lp.edu.ua

Responsible person:

Prof.  Yuriy RASHKEVICH ,  Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work and international relations


tel: +380322582111,  +380322582421

e-mail:  rashkev@polynet.lviv.ua

Vinnytsia National Technical University 


tel.: +380432560848

fax: +380432465772

Responsible person:

Prof.  Oleg BISIKALO ,  Dean of the Faculty of Computer Systems and Automation


tel: +380432560848,

e-mail:  obisikalo@gmail.com

Kherson State University, 


tel.: +380552226263,

tel./fax: +380552326705

Responsible person:

Vitaliy KOBETS ,  Associate Professor of Computer Science and Economics Cybernetics department


tel: +380 552 226263,

tel./fax: +380552326705

e-mail:  vkobets@kse.org.ua

National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”,


tel.: +380577001564

fax: +380577076601

Responsible person:

Prof.  Tetyana ZAKHAROVA


tel/fax: +380577001564

e-mail:  tetiana.zakharova@gmail.com

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine  www.mon.gov.ua,

tel.: +380444813221

tel.: +380444813280

fax: +380444814796

Responsible person:

Mrs. Anja NOVOSAD, Head of International Cooperation and European Integration Department

e-mail: anja.novosad@gmail.com

Project web-site:  www. mastis.pro

3) International cooperation with Accantum GMBH

International cooperation with Accantum GMBH

CAMDPS of the Faculty of informatics and computer science create virtual education and competence centre software solutions of the Accantum GMBH.
Main goals of the centre:

–           Exchange of experience in the sphere of data and documents procession.

–           Performing scientific research and projects with  software products and technologies Accantum GMBH.

–           Introduction to software products and implementation technologies in student computer workshops.

–           Include software technologies in the education work programs.

scientific research

Implementation of research works carried out under the guidance of professor, D.Sc Tomashevsky Valentin.

The responsible person for communication with Accantum GMBH appointed to senior lecturer CAMDPS Oliinyk Yurii.